Welcome to ResearchMinds ZA

ResearchMinds is an online community for people to participate in paid market research opportunities.

ResearchMinds has active panels in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, USA and the United Kingdom.

Market research provides vital insights and information which helps companies, governments and academic institutions work out what you want and need.



Complete surveys in your own time and be rewarded with a rand amount based on the length of the survey.

After completing the sign up form, you will receive a verification email to confirm you registration, and within days you will start receiving email invitations for paid market research surveys.

Money that you earn for completing surveys can be paid to your PayPal account or redeemed for GCodes® instant rewards.

By completing these important paid surveys you will :

Make money in your spare time

Be heard and share your opinion

Help shape the future of products & services


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